
HTML version of slides (with animations) can be found by clicking this link right here. Or a pdf version is right here.

One Sheet

The informational one-sheet can be found here.

Materials List

  • Spool of conductive thread. I like Adafruit's 2 ply for ease of sewing. We gave everybody 10ft for the workshop.
  • A battery holder. We used Adafruit's sewable CR2032 batteries.
  • Two CR2032 batteries, again from Adafruit.
  • 10 sewable LEDs. We used Sparkfun's LilyPad LEDs in various colors. They also have smaller ones without resistors (so you have to be careful with your voltage) - these are the ones in the above link labeled "Micro". Adafruit also sells LED sequins you might want to check out.
  • Sewing needles - you need to make sure you get ones small enough to fit through the sewable battery's holes.
  • Something to sew on! A scarf, a hat, pants, go nuts! We used Beanies from ebay. No link, since the level of that type of merchandise is always in flux, but keep your eye out for stuff on their you want!
  • Photos! More coming soon...

    The workshop started with a little introduction to electrical circuits.

    In addition to sewable electronics, we had a bunch of fun fabric!

    A participant outlines their circuit and does some sewing.

    A finished ocean themed hat.

    A cool multicolored number hat.

    A super sweet dragon hat.